McGuigans To Reunite

It has been over 160 years since two brothers, Henry and James McGuigan left their beloved family and home in Ireland for an incredible adventure searching for gold in the far distant land of Australia. I am travelling from Australia to our ancestral homeland to meet McGuigan relations living in and around Maghera Northern Ireland. Our McGuigan family has lived in this area since the 1700's and possibly even earlier. This historic journey back to Ireland with its majestic scenery, inspiring people and history promises to be filled with excitement and amazing discoveries culminating in the gathering of the clan at Maghera on Sunday 22nd July 2012 for a day of joyous celebration. My much anticipated adventure begins on Friday 29th June 2012......

Monday 23 July 2012

Day 24 Castledawson Northern Ireland Monday 23rd July 2012

I don't think I could ever find the right words to describe our Grand Reunion Day yesterday - it was AWESOME, FABULOUS, FANTASTIC, AMAZING, OVERWHELMING, EMOTIONAL, INSPIRING, MEMENTOS, MAGNIFICENT, BRILLIANT etc etc etc.................................... I am feeling a little tired this morning so I will probably make a few spelling mistakes but I will try to do my best so I hope I don't forget anything. If you read this post once please come back and read it again as I will be adding details over the next few days as they come to mind.

St Patricks Glen Maghera

The weather was overcast but at least the rain stayed away until we were all safely at Walsh's Hotel.
Our own private Mass commenced at 3.00pm at the church of our ancestors, St Patrick's Glen Maghera with the fabulous Fr Frank Lynch as our celebrant. Seventy McGuigan's from all over Ireland were present including the Australian contingent. Mary had organised a fantastic singer who was so hauntingly beautiful and you could feel the Holy Spirit moving powerfully in that special place. The readings were given by descendants and the offertory procession was emotional as members of our family brought the gifts to the altar which included the flags of both countries, a gaelic football and the McGuigan Crest.
Burying the stones at the grave of Michael and Mary McGuigan

After Mass we made our way to the cemetery beside the church where we had a little service to place the stones from Henry and James' grave in Melbourne and John's grave in Sunderland on their mother and fathers final resting place. The circle is now almost complete as I gathered stones from Michael and Mary's grave to take back to Australia to put on Henry and James' grave at the Melbourne General Cemetery. Everyone said prayers and I spinkled the holy water - I love this custom that the dead are so much a part of the living.
Leonie, Loretta, Lone, Peter, Frank and Brenda at the McGuigan plot in Maghera
The McGuigan Clan outside St Patricks Glen Maghera

Hooley time and we made our way to Walsh's Hotel in Maghera which is 5 minutes away. Walsh's Hotel is very old and has been part of the community since the 1800's so it was a most appropriate venue for our Grand Reunion. The room was decorated with family tree printouts, stunning blown up photographs and family crests everywhere. As we made our way into the room everyone congregated around the photos and discussed who was like who.... brilliant craic going on! Traditional Irish music filled the room through the speakers which set the atmosphere for a night of great fun. A three course dinner was served which was lovely then Mary and I did a presentation on the history of both the Irish McGuigan's and the Australian McGuigan's. Mary proceeded to present us four Aussie's myself, Lone, Frank and Peter a Slaughtneil Gaelic Football Juersey. We speedily put the jumpers on to much hollering and hooting from those present who obviously barrack for other teams. It was a priceless moment and we wore our jumpers proudly all night!
Photos and Flags
The Slaughtneil Gaelic Football Jumpers

Mary and Niall had organised some live Irish Music and Irish dancers. I gotta tell you it was a fantastic experience and certainly a highlight of an already extraordinary night. We all loved it!!!!
Unexpectedly Fr Frank took the microphone and sang a wonderful Irish emigrant song about Australia and his big booming voice filled the room. You could have heard a pin drop as everyone was captivated listening - WOW it was another memorable moment amongst so many others.
The Band
The Dancers
Fr Frank Lynch
The Dungiven McGuigans
The Slaughtneil McGuigans

SO much detail and planning went into making sure we had a great time - Mary you are a complete treasure and the best thing I have discovered along this fantastic journey. All too soon it was time to leave, after a few tears and hugs to everyone, Seamus drove us back to the Inn at Castledawson stopping at his daughters home in Maghera on the way. It was great to meet Sinead and her beautiful family so a great big thankyou to Seamus for the ride home. We got to bed just a little after midnight which wasn't too bad given the great craic that was still happening in the room when we left.

I simply cannot put into words my sincere gratitude to Mary, Adrian, Bridie and all the family for your wonderfully warm hospitality. We are truly overwhelmed that you have welcomed us with such love and openess - blood is truly thicker than water!

Today we sadly leave this wonderful part of the world for Belfast after meeting for breakfast for a debrief of our great day yesterday. Frank and Leonie are heading to Dublin then onto to Amsterdam with Peter and Loretta going to Derry then onto Lisbon.

London Olympics here we come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please keep checking the blog as our adventures continue............................................................

1 comment:

  1. Hi bren and lone big turn out didn,t see much guiness hard to beleive it was a dry show.Any relations wanting to come to Australia for a holiday. The dancers looked good in their black and green,Ithink you,ll all take a while to soak it all in thanks for the blog bye for now.Vern
