McGuigans To Reunite

It has been over 160 years since two brothers, Henry and James McGuigan left their beloved family and home in Ireland for an incredible adventure searching for gold in the far distant land of Australia. I am travelling from Australia to our ancestral homeland to meet McGuigan relations living in and around Maghera Northern Ireland. Our McGuigan family has lived in this area since the 1700's and possibly even earlier. This historic journey back to Ireland with its majestic scenery, inspiring people and history promises to be filled with excitement and amazing discoveries culminating in the gathering of the clan at Maghera on Sunday 22nd July 2012 for a day of joyous celebration. My much anticipated adventure begins on Friday 29th June 2012......

Monday 9 July 2012

Day 10 Dungiven Northern Ireland Sunday 8th July 2012

Yesterday was a Craic of a day!!!! Aye, I had THE best time and am feeling a little overwhelmed as to know what to write in this blog because so much happened but I had probably best start at the beginning. We attended Mass at the magnificent St Patricks Church in Dungiven built in 1884 with its stunning cemetery within the grounds. I can't believe how beautiful the cemeteries are here and how lovingly they are cared for. Mary and Bridie headed for the cemetery and as I looked up there were many other people walking between the graves too. I followed Mary and Bridie to the grave of their husband and father Louie Mc Reynolds where they proceeded to spinkle holy water and pray. We then moved to Bridie's sister Teresa's grave who died recently from cancer and they did the same thing. It was both moving and intriguing as I had never seen anything like that before. Whenever the congregation attends Mass they always visit the cemetery first because here in Ireland the dead are always part of the living which I find so very comforting and I will never forget witnessing this beautiful ritual. There are lanterns on every grave which are solar powered so light up at night - how wonderful the cemeteries must look at night with their twinkling lanterns. After Mass I met Fr Frank who will be celebrating our reunion Mass at St Patricks Maghera on 22nd July and let me tell you he is fantastic.We will all enjoy our day with Fr Frank who is looking forward to attending our "hooley" afterwards at Walsh's Hotel too!
Then it was  a 30 minute drive to Derry for lunch at the fabulous Browns Restaurant. We picked up Bridie's two sisters, Jean and Ida and we had a wonderful time getting to know each other along the way. The food was lovely and we all enjoyed each others company immensley.

On the way home from Derry we stopped at the supermarket to get supplies for the family gathering happening at tea time (which is our dinner time in the evening). This was when I would get to meet Bridie's other siblings and the McGuigan's from Slaughtneil that I had heard so much about. After taking the sisters home Mary and I visited Dungiven Castle which was built around 1600. It was an imposing structure on the landscape and was very impressive. It is now a 4 star boutique hotel and wedding reception centre so we were able to have a look around and I loved it!

First to arrive at Bridie's for the family gathering was brother Pat, his wife Jeanette and their lovely daughter Elaine with whom I have been Facebook friends for quite some time so it was really wonderful to sit and chat in person. From then on it's a bit of a blurr as to who arrived next but it seemed like the house filled up in no time at all. Seamus and Niall from the Slaughtneil McGuigan's with Niall's lovely wife Margaret-Rose and their three beautiful children came together. It was  fantastic to meet this branch of the family as the youngest brother Chris still lives in the same McGuigan house on the same McGuigan land that our Henry and James were born and raised in! Brilliant! But little did I know that an extraordinary meeting was about to take place. I heard the commotion at the door and as I walked into the passage I could see Harry McGuigan standing there. OMG he looked just like our Henry and I could not take my eyes off him. I went and put my head on his shoulder and gave him a big cuddle. I swear to you it took everything within me not to dissolve into a blubbering mess as it felt like Henry was standing right there looking at me.

This photo of Henry was taken at around 60 years of age so you can see why Harry took my breath away - God, poor Harry must have been thinking who IS this mad woman from Australia all over me! Harry is another brother of Bridie as they are 12 siblings in this family. The arrivals continued with another brother of Bridie's, Seamus and sisters Rosemary, Jean and Ida along with brother in law Joe who was married to sister Teresa recently deceased. The evening was a marvellous time together sharing stories of the past and I had a hard time understanding what was being said at times as they got louder and more excited. My listening ears were well and truly on! I think most left by midnight but everyone was having such a great time that I got the feeling that they didn't really want to leave.
Oh, our Grand Reunion day is certainly going to be one to REMEMBER!

Today Mary and I are going to finalise some arrangements at Walsh's Hotel then are heading back into Derry for some sight seeing and shopping.

1 comment:

  1. My Gosh Bren, Harry does look so much like Henry. It must be so surreal to finally be meeting all our Irish family and then to see and walk where Henry grew up and lived and obviously visited from Australia many times, is mind blowing. I can't believe you didn't turn into a blubbering mess. Hope you are all keeping your partying going until we all get there..xx Lone
