McGuigans To Reunite

It has been over 160 years since two brothers, Henry and James McGuigan left their beloved family and home in Ireland for an incredible adventure searching for gold in the far distant land of Australia. I am travelling from Australia to our ancestral homeland to meet McGuigan relations living in and around Maghera Northern Ireland. Our McGuigan family has lived in this area since the 1700's and possibly even earlier. This historic journey back to Ireland with its majestic scenery, inspiring people and history promises to be filled with excitement and amazing discoveries culminating in the gathering of the clan at Maghera on Sunday 22nd July 2012 for a day of joyous celebration. My much anticipated adventure begins on Friday 29th June 2012......

Tuesday 12 June 2012

It is now a little over 2 weeks until I leave Perth Western Australia for Ireland. After 2 years of planning my date of departure is almost here. To say that I can't wait is an understatement! I want to write this blog for those Aussie McGuigan's who had hoped to make the journey with me but for some reason or another cannot. Hopefully you will feel like you are there with me every step of the way as I plan to make this blog interesting, informative and fun. For those Irish relations following you will certainly get to know me before we meet at our Grand Reunion in Maghera. Thanks for following.


  1. Hello Brenda,

    I received your e-mail and do look forward to reading your blog.


    1. Thanks Gerry - I very much look forward to writing this blog for you. Only wish you could be with us too xx

  2. Hope you have a wonderful trip and enjoy Ireland as you discover your family tree. The boys and I will miss you around here. Safe travels Love Dave, Ben and Nick

    1. Thanks darling! Good luck whilst I am away and I will miss you all very much xx

  3. Brenda as I write this you are somewhere in the skys making your way to Ireland. I simply cannot wait to meet you on Saturday.

    Since making contact with you two years ago I have been on a wonderful journey of discovery about our McGuigan family. Our ancestors will be guiding us and laughing with us as we uncover the secrets of their lives. Safe journey.

    Mary xxx

    1. Thanks Mary - you are the best treasure that has been uncovered amongst all the others we have found together over the past 2 years. Simply cannot wait to spend the next three weeks getting to know you even better. See you in Newry xxx
